Quality commitment approved by the restaurants participating in the Lalín Cocido Month:
- The premises of the establishment shall be in good condition regarding cleanliness and maintenance.
- Establishments must offer the possibility of making reservations during the “Lalín Cocido Month”.
- No meal sittings will be held during the “Cocido Month”.
- The price set by each restaurant will appear on the promotional leaflets and will include VAT. Restaurants are responsible for determining their own prices, which must remain stable during the Cocido Month, and shall include a table wine.
- The Cocido (pork stew) must be prepared following the official Lalín Cocido recipe.
- Products used to prepare the Lalín Cocido must be of first quality. Pork meat must be cured and smoked.
- Last courses must be traditional desserts such as filloas (thin crêpes), orellas (sweet “ears”) or cheese with quince paste, among others.
- Each diner guest must receive an official Lalín Cocido pin.