null La exposición central de la 57ª Feria del Cocido «Arte en tinta» recibe las primeras visitas colectivas
La exposición central de la 57ª Feria del Cocido «Arte en tinta» recibe las primeras visitas colectivas

•    Esta muestra, fruto de la colaboración entre el Ayuntamiento de Lalín, ABANCA y Afundación, hace un recorrido por la diversidad creativa del arte contemporánea a través de veintiocho grabados de veintiuno de los más destacados artistas del panorama gallego y español y mismo internacional, todos pertenecientes a la Colección de Arte Afundación 

•    Se puede ver en el Museo Municipal Ramón Mª Aller hasta el próximo 14 de marzo

•    Se invita a todas las personas que la visiten a que donen alimentos no perecederos, ya que todo lo recogido será destinado, en coordinación con el Ayuntamiento de Lalín, a entidades y colectivos lalinenses que recibirán todos los fondos que se recauden

The exhibition ‘Arte en tinta’, central exhibition of the 57th Feria del Cocido, fruit of the collaboration between the City Council, ABANCA and Afundación, which gathers twenty eight engravings- belonging to the Afundación Art Collection of twenty one of the most outstanding artists of the Galician, Spanish and even international scene, receives the first collective visits. Thus, next week, on Monday, 27th January, students from 3rd and 4th ESO (23 children) from the Scientia Lalín School will visit the exhibition at 11.10 am and on Tuesday 28th it will be students from 1st and 2nd ESO (26 students) who will visit it at 1 pm. A visit from the school of Codeseda (A Estrada) is also planned, the date of which will be confirmed in the next few days. Likewise, fifty-five people from an association in Culleredo have already agreed to visit ‘Art in Ink’ on Thursday 6 February and another group of former Telefónica employees, also a group of fifty-five people, will visit the exhibition on Wednesday 19 February. It is necessary to remember that the exhibition was opened last Friday, 17th January, by the Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Culture, Paz Pérez, as well as by José Luis Romero Quiroga, institutional coordinator of ABANCA; César Carballo Suárez, director of the ABANCA Office in Lalín and Paloma Vela Garicano, deputy coordinator of the Culture area of Afundación. It can be seen at the Ramón Mª Aller Municipal Museum until 14th March. ‘Art in ink’ is a journey through concepts, themes, styles and languages present in contemporary art through an anthology of works from the Afundación Collection. The hyperrealism of Eduardo Naranjo or Quintana Martelo, the dreamlike world of Jorge Castillo, the delicacy of Carmen Laffón, the luminous balance of Berta Cáccamo, the abstraction of Broto or the volume of Chillida are just some of the aspects that emerge in this exhibition. The themes of the different works flow from the concrete to the abstract, from objects to architecture, from animals to people. The real, the imaginary and the abstract coexist in the different processes and techniques of engraving (augaforte, augatinta, woodcut, lithography, serigraphy...). These different themes, sharing the same space, allow us to transmit that the emphasis of the exhibition lies in diversity, in the possibilities inherent in the techniques of engraving and, of course, in the creative freedom of contemporary art. It is an exhibition of great quality in which we can see the work of creators closely linked to Lalín and Cocido, such as Manuel Quintana Martelo, poster designer for the Fair in 2006 and author of the central exhibition of the LV Feria del Cocido (2023) or Jorge Castillo, poster designer for the Fair in 2009. The names of Quintana Martelo and Castillo are joined by those of relevant Galician artists such as Berta Cáccamo, Xaime Quessada, Antón Goyanes, Roberto González, Manuel Facal Ponte and Jesús Núñez Fernández and Ann Heyvaert, born in Memphis, in the United States and for years a professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Pontevedra. The exhibition also includes prints by Chillida, Tapies, José Manuel Broto, Antonio Clavé, Carmen Laffón, Cristóbal Toral, Eduardo Arroyo, Eduardo Naranjo, José Hernández, José María Sicilia, Vicente Arnás and José de Guimaraes, considered to be one of the leading Portuguese artists in contemporary art. The Afundación Art Collection celebrates a decade since the collection was declared Ben de Interés Cultural de Galicia and this exhibition in Lalín is part of Afundación's dissemination effort, which is currently leading the ‘Simultánea’ project that shows 350 works from the Afundación Art Collection in the seven branches of the institution throughout Galicia. It should be noted that all those who visit the exhibition are invited to donate non-perishable foodstuffs, as all the money collected will be donated, in coordination with the Lalín Town Council, to the organisations and groups in Lalín that will receive all the funds raised. This initiative is part of Afundación's ‘Culture for Food’ programme.


  1. Ann Heyvaert

  2. Antón Goyanes

  3. Antoni Clavé

  4. Berta Cáccamo

  5. Carmen Laffón

  6. Chillida

  7. Cristobal Toral

  8. Eduardo Arroyo

  9. Eduardo Naranjo

  10. Jesús Núñez

  11. Jorge Castillo

  12. José de Guimaraes

  13. José Hernández

  14. Jose Manuel Broto

  15. Jose María Sicilia

  16. Manuel Facal

  17. Quintana Martelo

  18. Roberto González

  19. Tapies

  20. Vicente Arnás

  21. Xaime Quessada