• Este hermanamiento es la culminación de conversaciones y reuniones mantenidas entre el alcalde de Lalín y el de Boqueixón y representantes de la Asociación Cultural de la Filloa de Lestedo en los últimos meses y tiene como objetivo aprovechar la simbiosis entre la Filloa y el Cocido acercando Lalín su marca de calidad y Lestedo la experiencia y el buen hacer de los mejores filloeiros.
• En Lalín tendrá lugar el sábado 1 de febrero un acto de visibilización de este hermanamiento en el marco de la Feria Alvariza con la intervención de los dos regidores, de la Asociación de la Filloa de Lestedo y con el desarrollo de un showcooking de filloas a cargo del chef José Manuel Mallón.
• En Lestedo también se desarrollará un acto de difusión y puesta en valor de este hermanamiento el día grande de la Fiesta de la Filloa, el domingo 9 de marzo, mediante la organización de un Cocido de Lalín para la degustación en el almuerzo oficial
Lalín's Cocido Fair will be twinned with the Filloa de Lestedo Festival, a Festival of National Tourist Interest since last April. After carrying out different conversations and meetings in the last months between the mayors of the two towns, Lalín and Boqueixón, and representatives of the Cultural Association of the Filloa de Lestedo, given the repercussion that the Filloa Festival is reaching and trying to take advantage of the symbiosis with the Cocido Fair, the two mayors, José Crespo Iglesias and O. O. Boqueixón, and representatives of the Filloa Cultural Association of Lestedo, the two leaders, José Crespo Iglesias and O. O. Boqueixón, have decided to join the Filloa Festival, the two leaders, José Crespo Iglesias and Ovidio Rodeiro Tato, considered that it would be beneficial to carry out joint events to promote and disseminate the two Festivals, with International distinction in the case of the Lalinense and National in the case of the Filloa de Lestedo. In these meetings also took part the mayor of Tourism, Avelino Souto, and for the Association of the Filloa, its president, Xosé Manuel Canabal, and members Juan Manuel Corral and Pascual Villaverde.
This is how the initiative to create a brotherhood between both festivities and localities was born in order to formalise the synergies that exist between the two celebrations and to materialise these ties of union, both this year and in the future, which will benefit both festivities. To give shape to these intentions, the approval of a twinning protocol between the two festivities and municipalities will be taken to the plenary session of 29 January in Boqueixón and 31 January in Lalín.
After the approval of the plenary agreements in the two Municipal Corporations, a first act of visibility of this twinning will take place in the International Beekeeping Fair of Lalín, Alvariza, on Saturday 1 February at 1 p.m., where the two mayors José Crespo and Ovidio Rodeiro will take part, representatives of the Asociación Cultural de la Filloa de Lestedo - promoter of the festival - and then a showcooking by the chef José Manuel Mallón, who will prepare different preparations in which the filloa will be the main product.
Afterwards, and coinciding with the big day of the Filloa Festival, on Sunday 9th March, an event will take place in Lestedo (Boqueixón) to promote and promote the twinning between both festivals, so that in the Filloa there will be a tasting of Cocido de Lalín at the official lunch, which will be led by a chef from Lalín. In addition, from now on, every year on the occasion of the Filloa a Lalín Cocido will be held.
The aim is to create a symbiosis between the Filloa and the Cocido, since this is one of the typical after-dinner meals of our Fair, so that the synergy of offering from Lalín the quality mark of the Cocido and from Lestedo the guarantee of the best possible after-dinner meal by the best filloeiros is taken advantage of.
Filloa Festival
The Filloa Festival in Lestedo (Boqueixón, A Coruña), a Festival of National Tourist Interest since April 2024, highlights the value of a deeply rooted gastronomic product that is combined with deeply rooted cultural events such as the unique Carnival of the Generals of the Ulla. Its big day is held on the Sunday after Shrove Tuesday, known as Piñata Sunday and which, in this 42nd edition, will take place on 9 March 2025.
It was born in 1983, as a result of the interest of the neighbourhood of this Boiquexonese parish to exalt one of the typical dishes of the Carnival that has more roots in our culture. The festival, organised since 2015 by the Asociación Cultural de la Filloa de Lestedo, lasts for several weeks with the aim of exalting the gastronomic qualities and versatility of this traditional after-dinner dish.
Culinary demonstrations and master classes with renowned chefs; tastings; traditional music and orchestras; children's activities; training days in schools; Filloarte photographic competition; meetings of the Generals of the Ulla, typical characters of the Carnival of this area with which another ancient tradition of the Ulla region is revitalised, join the other complementary proposals and make up the varied programme of the Filloa de Lestedo Festival.
On the big day of the festival, the fairground is filled, from midday onwards, with people eager to try the filloas. Made with flour, water, eggs, salt and bacon for the spread, since 2004 they have been cooked in two original machines called filloeiras, which currently produce an average of 2,000 filloas every hour.
The Generals of the Ulla constitute one of the most significant and authentic manifestations of ethnographic culture in this region, one of the epicentres of which is the Festival of the Filloa de Lestedo. This unique event covers a total of 8 municipalities in the provinces of A Coruña (Boqueixón, Santiago de Compostela, Touro, Teo and Vedra) and Pontevedra (Vila de Cruces, A Estrada and Silleda) and has its origins in the Napoleonic battles that took place in the area.
Each edition of the Fiesta de la Filloa de Lestedo brings together around 25,000 people to attend the more than twenty different activities that generate an economic return of 1 million euros for the town and the region. Some 60,000 filloas are tasted on the big day of the festival, which brings together more than 200 neighbours involved in the organisation.